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For Academics

Subset data

It is easy to create a subset of a data.frame with the subset command in R.

For example one can remove NA values

subset_data <- subset(full_data, full_data$column_name!='NA') 

Similarly, it is possible to remove whole columns.

less_column_data <- subset(full_data, select=c(1,4,5) )

Will keep columns 1, 4, 5.

less_column_data <- subset(full_data, select = -c(1,4,5) )

Will remove columns 1, 4, 5.

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Sex chromosome papers RSS

A Novel Method for Acquired Sex Chromosome Mosaicism

Insights from Hi-C data regarding the Pacific salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) sex-chromosomes

The genome sequence of a leaf beetle, Cryptocephalus moraei (Linnaeus, 1758)