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For Academics

Save a plot

It is useful to save R graphics with code, so the file creation and naming can be automated.

On a mac, hitting Cmd-S when a graph is displayed will save a pdf. However exporting to pdf (or other formats) using code gives more control. For example Cmd-S will save to the displayed dimensions of a canvas, which is a problem if a canvas contains many graphs because they may not b resolved well. A larger canvas can be defined for export.

pdf(file='1.pdf', width=15, height=18, pointsize=20)
par(mfrow=c(4,4)) #define columns and rows on canvas, each gets a graph
# code for graphs goes here

There are many more options, explored them with ?pdf

3D graphs are exported using:

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Sex chromosome papers RSS

Out with the old, in with the new: Meiotic driving of sex chromosome evolution

Evolution of bird sex chromosomes: a cytogenomic approach in Palaeognathae species

Sexy ways: the methodical approaches to study plant sex chromosomes