Chicken souvlaki

Making this at home upgrades a traditionally fast-food meal to the elegance status of a gourmet burger.



  • Chicken breast
  • Oregano, salt, pepper
  • Vegetables for skewer (pepper, tomato, courgette...)
  • Vegetables for raw addition (tomato, onion)
  • Lemon
  • Pita bread - mexican wrap

For the tzatziki

This is an essential part of a proper souvlaki. You will need

  • Greek yogurt (as little water as possible)
  • Cucumber
  • Cumin
  • Olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Garlic


Cut the chicken in bite pieces and marinade in oregano, oil, lemon, salt, pepper.

Skewer the chicken pieces and add your favourite vegetable.

Cook in the oven ensuring it doesn't dry.

Cut tomato and onion in thin slices. They go better uncooked, all other vegetables can be cooked along with the meat.

For the tzatziki

Grate the cucumber and press hard on the grated pieces to remove as much water as possible.

Ideally crush the garlic with a mortar and pestle - it releases much more flavour than cutting in pieces even with a food processor.

Combine all ingredients and mix with a large spoon.

Make the souvlaki

In a pita, combine the contents of a skewer with thin tomato and onion slices, add tzatziki and your favourite sauce (mustard, ketchup, chilly sauce).

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